I interviewed Hannah in Year 13 who plays the role of Ella, the pianist, in the school’s musical production, Mack and Mabel. She told me about her life as a performer as well as juggling her student life. In the short time I spent talking to Hannah, I could see her drive and passion for the thing she loves, performing. As soon as I met her I asked what subjects she took and assumed she studied Drama. However, to my surprise, I was wrong. She explained her love for performing as a hobby. One aspect that she liked was the fact that the musical and Showcases allow the departments to work together to create something everyone involved in is proud of. She explained that “it’s nice working with new people” and seemed to enjoy the company of the new year 12s, and many young aspiring actors/actresses.

“Everyone gets involved and gets along,” she says. She told me how talented everyone is and loves the fact that she can share her same passion with the others.
The school’s annual musical is Mack & Mabel for 2018 which follows a rather unknown yet real life story of struggling actors, film producers and of course, Mack and Mabel. It follows a dark transition as they move further towards Hollywood and achieving their dream. The musical couldn’t be more fitting for the current time in the film industry due to the Harvey Weinstein controversy, addressing the real life issue of pressures versus money.
Hannah expressed her admiration for directors, Mr Costello and Mr Bullen as well as Alice Sykes, the choreographer. She told me that she, as well as all the other cast members, have an insight into the performing life as Mr Costello’s dad, Mr Costello senior, ran a theatre company in the West End, which I’m sure benefits them greatly.
I was intrigued by her life as an actress. She told me about her 3-4 week intensive rehearsal period from 3-5pm every weekday. When it comes down to performing and putting on a show she said she “doesn’t get nervous” because she’s used to the stage. I recognised this when I saw her confident and competent performance in the school’s rendition of ‘Twelfth Night’ in late 2017.
The performances are held from the 31st January 2018 to 3rd February 2018 in the Performance Hall, in Langley Park School for Boys. The unfamiliarity of this musical may frighten you, but it mustn’t, for me it’s exciting to see a new and unseen production, especially when you know the exceptional standard of the acting and performing from the sixth form. I’m certainly looking forward to it - as should you.
Good luck to everyone involved and thank you to Hannah for taking some time out of her busy schedule to talk to me.
To book tickets for Mac & Mabel, follow the website: https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/lpcpa/mack-and-mabel
By Jodie Chanda