Welcome to Blog Langley! Just over a month ago, I joined the sixth form here at Langley Boys and I am so glad to be a part of such a bold, charismatic and wonderful community.
I was extremely excited to start at a new school with new teachers and a different learning environment, but also felt quite nervous about leaving the comfort of my previous school, even though it is only next door! I had lots of questions racing through my mind: will I be able to find my way around?; What if I don’t enjoy one of my subjects?; Will I make new friends? However, all of these doubts melted away on the first day after meeting my new form group and experiencing my first A-Level style lessons. I instantly fell in love with the work ethic and commitment of the subject teachers as well as being able to work with students who enjoy the subjects as much as me. The school also boasts amazing independent learning spaces such as the library for quiet study and work, and the ILAs for socialising with friends as well as working, both of which are very useful for completing homework and coursework. Being a Drama student and having seen performances at the school before joining, I was eager to begin working in the drama studios and most obviously, the Performance Hall. Such professional facilities have allowed my love of theatre to flourish and I am looking forward to furthering my understanding of the subject. In addition to this, I have a passion for English Literature and was particularly eager to start this subject after hearing what a fantastic department it is at the school, and it did not disappoint. I look forward to every lesson and find it very rewarding knowing that my knowledge and capability is growing week on week.
The transition from GCSE to A-Level has so far been a very enjoyable one. Being able to fully immerse myself in each subject was something I was not able to do during GCSEs – studying fewer subjects means that I can dedicate more time to each one and ultimately do the best I possibly can. I have also been able to meet new people and begin learning key skills which will help me both in school and in later life. The biggest – and best! – change I have noticed is that other students in my classes are completely dedicated to the subject and share an obvious love of the topics being studied, which has really helped me settle in and adjust. I feel happy and confident walking into each of my classes, which is down to the amazing teachers and their support as well as the school providing a calm learning environment for each and every one of the students. I know that I am going to love my time here at Langley Boys and cannot wait for the next two years.

By Alexandra Nicholls